1. Sites
are issued under Licence as determined by the Licensor (The Management Co.)
provided on condition that all Bye Laws, Rules and Regulations are strictly
observed and that all occupants conduct themselves at all times with due
regard for the rights and comfort of others.
2. The
lands will be open throughout the full year or as determined by the
3. Mobile
Homes of a proprietary make or similar standards only will
be allowed and shall be subject to prior approval of the Company and
shall be maintained in sound condition and have a good appearance.
4. The
Licensee shall arrange for his own insurance in respect of all liabilities
arising from the occupation of his site including fire insurance and public
liability insurance.
5. The
Company does not accept any liability for any accident, injury or damage to
persons or property using any part of the lands howsoever caused.
6. All sites must be
kept clean and tidy.
7. The speed of vehicles on the lands
must not exceed 5 m.p.h.
8. Only
qualified drivers may drive on the lands and driving instruction thereon is strictly prohibited.
All vehicles driven on the lands must be insured under the
provisions of the Road Traffic Acts and no Licensee will himself or allow
any of his invitees, guests or other persons bona fide residing with him to
drive any mechanically propelled vehicle on the lands whilst the same is
9. All
vehicles must be driven on the roadway and care
must be taken to minimise damage to the surface of the lands during wet
weather. Vehicles must
not be driven elsewhere than on the road surface during periods of
wet or inclement weather when damage may be caused to grass surfaces.
10. Vehicles travelling on to the lands must proceed in such a
manner so as not to disturb other occupants of Mobile Homes.
11. Musical instruments, transistors, etc., must not be used to
the inconvenience of other people on the lands.
12. Mobile Homes are for private use only and may not be rented,
sub-let or leased either formally or informally and shall
be used only by the Licensee and his immediate family and bona fide
guests, which guests must be accompanied by the Licensee or a member of his
immediate family.
13. For the purpose of clarification
immediate family is the Licensee's spouse and children. Subject to prior approval, parents,
brothers, sisters and in-laws may use the Mobile Home.
14. The Company reserves the right to introduce such Rules and
Regulations as may be necessary to control and limit any abuse for the
greater benefit of the other Licensees and their immediate families and
their bona fide guests.
15. The Licensee will be responsible for his guests and all
persons using or occupying his Mobile Home at all times.
16. The Licensee shall give the Company 28 days
notice in writing of his intention to sell his unit and the company
must approve the purchaser as a suitable Licensee. All arrears of rent and other charges (if
any) must be discharged before approval will be
forthcoming. The procedure for any change of ownership shall take place in
accordance with Schedule 1 attached.
17. Licensees and their guests are not to waste
water which is supplied from bore holes and not from mains water
supply. It is particularly important that no such waste should occur during
periods of continuous fine or dry weather.
18. The sewerage facilities are private facilities and are not
suitable for disposal of large items of domestic waste. The placing and disposal of sanitary
towels, nappies, plastic bags and other such items as might be likely to
cause a blockage of the sewerage system is prohibited.
19. The 9 acre field adjoining the main
park and located at the service area may be used by members and their
guests for light recreational use, i.e. Walking and exercising of pets, but
under lead. It is not available for games or any sporting activities.
Children must be supervised whilst on these grounds and within service
20. No dogs shall be allowed on the lands without the prior
consent of the Company which may be withheld. Any dogs permitted on the site must be
kept under control at all times and must not be permitted to wander loose
and the Company shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage
howsoever arising from dogs or other animals on the said lands.
21. All refuse and garbage must be put into
and kept in plastic sacks and disposed of in the facilities
provided. The company promotes a separation policy regarding dry / plastic
waste. Please assist.
22. The Licensee shall in all respects comply
with the terms and conditions of the Planning Permission granted herein.
23. Vehicles shall not be parked in any
manner so as to cause an obstruction on the roadways or the lands or so as
to cause any nuisance to other Licensees or any users or occupiers of the
Mobile Homes on the Company's lands and without prejudice to the generality
of the foregoing no car may be parked in any places other than those
specified by the Company from time to time and the company reserves the
right to tow away any offending cars and the company shall not be
responsible for any damage which may be caused as a result thereby.
24. The Company reserve the right to alter and amend these Bye
Laws, Rules and Regulations from time to time for the proper management and
control of the lands as a high amenity holiday resort, such amendments or
alterations to be in the total and absolute discretion of the Company.
25. It is the Licensees responsibility to ensure that their name
and correct address is on the Company's mailing list and the Company shall
not be held responsible for any loss, howsoever caused as
a result of the Licensee not being notified by virtue of the fact
that he is not on, or incorrect information appears on, the mailing list.
26. In these ByeLaws, Rules and Regulations
the masculine shall include the feminine and the plural where the context
so admits or requires.
Reviewed May 2019
Warren Park Residents Management Co.Ltd