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Email from the Company Secretary


From: Ben Gough <ben.gough@wyse.ie>
Sent: Friday 14 May 2021 10:15
Subject: [External] : Warren Park Season Commencement


Good morning to everyone,

The Board of Warren Park met on a conference call last evening to review matters pertaining to the official opening up of your park.

It is anticipated that this weekend will be the start of many residents attending Warren Park which is brilliant for all concerned.

I intend to issue a comprehensive communication on behalf of the Board next week, once we have finalised a few more details.

We would reiterate the point that the members and guests behaved impeccably last summer, and in full compliance of the rules as set out under covid -19 guidelines.

We would ask you to continue to act responsibly in our approach to keeping safe, and to make all your visitors aware of their part in maintaining the guidelines as stipulated under Government Guidelines. Please visit Gov website for any updates that would apply.


Kind regards

Co. Secretary & Managing Agent   

Ben Gough


PSRA Licence No: 001347-001483

WYSE, 94 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

Tel: +353 1 647 0600 Fax: +353 1 661 6516 Web: http://www.wyse.ie

WYSE - Property Services Regulatory Authority, Licence Number 1347

ODCE Regulation Compliance information: WYSE Property Management Ltd

Trading as: WYSE, Company Registration Number: 77218

Registered Office: 94 Lower Baggot St, Dublin 2, Ireland.





Warren Park Residents Management Co Ltd Tel: +353 (0)1 6470600      email: info@warren-park.com



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